marine corps recruit depot san diego

mcrd museum

days and hours of operation

Wednesday through Saturday

8:30 AM -  12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Tuesdays by appointment only

online photo galleries

NEW!  Selections of digitized photographs from the MCRD Museum Reference Center!  


Inventories of historical audio/visual media located in the MCRD Museum Reference Center. 

recruit books

Inventory of Recruit Books and Inserts from MCRD San Diego Graduations from 1953 - 2016.


Lists of historical photos  located in the MCRD Museum Reference Center.

historical information

Inventories of historical information located in the MCRD Museum Reference Center. 

The MCRD Museum Reference Center welcomes all researchers.  There is no charge to use the collections.  Due to limited staffing, reference assistance, rather than in-depth research is provided to patrons who call, email, visit in person, or mail a written inquiry.  Please contact the historian to make an appointment if you would like to conduct research at the Reference Center. 

Researchers are required to comply with the MCRD Museum Reference Center Guidelines.

Please let the Historian know the nature of your research and which collections you plan on using.   The more information you can provide, the better service the Historian can provide you.  Researchers may use the copier to photocopy printed materials.  Researchers desiring copies of photographs must provide their own CD's, DVD's, or USB devices, and should come prepared to do their own scanning. 

A scanner is also available, scanning images up to 8.5" x 11" in size, and up to 600 dpi.  If a patron plans on using the museum scanner, they must inform the Historian when they make their appointment so that the scanner can be reserved for their use.  Instructions on how to use the scanner will be provided. 

Museum reference Center

contact information

Phone:  (619) 524-6720

Fax:      (619) 524-0076

DSN:              524-6720


Mail:      AC/S G-3

             Attn:  Command Museum Historian

             1600 Henderson Ave., Ste 112

             San Diego, CA 92140-5000